Tips for Creating a Home Fire Escape Plan

Have a Fire Emergency?

Preparation is crucial to maximizing safety in the event of a home fire. Creating an effective fire escape plan for your family is a key way to prepare for an emergency scenario. Here are six tips to help you develop a plan for your Orlando, FL, home.

1. Stay On Top of Smoke Alarms

Be sure that there are plenty of smoke alarms in the home. There should be at least one on every level of the home and one outside every sleeping area, per the American Red Cross. Test them monthly to make sure they work and change batteries about once a year.

2. Determine Exits

Inspect your home and take note of at least two exits in every room. Once you have marked these In your fire escape plan, make sure that they stay clear of any major obstructions that would block their path in case of an emergency.

3. Pinpoint an Outdoor Meeting Spot

A key part of your escape plan is having a meeting spot for your family. Pick a space that is a safe distance away from the home where every member of the household will agree to meet after evacuating.

4. Consider Everyone’s Abilities

Not everyone in a home may be able to evacuate on their own. Take this into account when making a plan and assign someone to help those with mobility issues, such as young children and older or disabled adults.

5. Know To Stay Outside

After evacuating a fire, do not re-enter the home. Stay outside until responders arrive and let fire damage mitigation experts determine if the home is safe after a fire.

6. Practice Your Emergency Escape Plan

Regularly practice evacuating the home so you are fully prepared in case there is an unexpected fire. Preparing a fire escape plan can help keep your home and family safe. Consider these tips when creating yours.