First responders provide needed help after a flood. If you plan to participate in flood response, you should start preparing well in advance. Here are several measures a first responder can take in anticipation of flooding in Orlando, FL.
First Aid Training
First responders should pursue first aid training to be able to assist injured individuals after a flood. Here are some of the most helpful types of training for responding to a flood:
First aid
Injury assessment
Illness assessment
Any training you pursue will increase your awareness of best safety practices and improve your ability to provide aid. These courses are offered on a regular basis by the Red Cross and other emergency response services. Refresher courses can also be helpful for maintaining skills.
The most important vaccinations for a flood scenario include Tetanus and Hepatitis B. A first responder should get a tetanus booster if he or she has not received one within the last 10 years. Adults that need a pertussis booster may choose the combined tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis vaccination. Responders who intend to provide patient care should also get the Hepatitis B vaccine series.
Personal Protective Equipment
Personal protective equipment is essential for flood first responders. Watertight boots with electrical insulation and steel reinforcement can provide protection from injuries. Hip waders may also reduce skin contact with contaminated water prior to storm damage cleanup and restoration. Cut-resistant waterproof gloves are essential gear, and a head covering can also be helpful. Wear goggles or sunglasses to protect your eyes. An N95 mask or respirator may be necessary if mold is a risk factor.
Preparation is necessary if you plan to participate in flood response. A first responder may encounter a variety of risks. Pursuing emergency training and obtaining supplies and immunizations in advance can be invaluable in the event of flooding in Orlando, FL.
Flood First Response Checklist